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Heather Love

....and so it begins.

I reached up to brush my fingers through my hair, and this happened today.

I knew it was coming. The oncologist had said that with the particular cocktail of drugs I am on, there was no way around it.

“It will start within two weeks.”

I expected it, so I don't know why it feels so shocking. I suppose that I didn’t expect the “start” of the hair loss to be this dramatic and fast? Perhaps I expected a more gradual, subtle loss?

But this is how the entire process of cancer has been.



…...And I am trying desperately to be flexible and roll with the punches.

Will bald be beautiful and maybe a little badass? I sure hope so.

I know that I will take the path to baldness as one more step towards being cancer-free.

And that? Well, that is certainly something I can get behind.

Chemo round #2 is tomorrow morning. Cancer better watch out.....I'm going to give it one heck of a fight.

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Nov 19, 2020

Heather, we haven’t met, but I know you through your mother, a lifelong friend. I am so impressed with your blog, which is written with such humor, spirit and tenacity. Know that I am thinking about you and your boys and am excited when “normal” can include meeting you in person.


Nov 19, 2020

The most beautiful bald ass bitch ever!!


Nov 19, 2020

I just saw you this morning and you looked adorable hugging the boys with your little beanie on. So fight like a girl and kick cancer in the ass! Sending love and hugs


Nov 18, 2020

My dear friend, the level of your badassery was proven a long time ago and not by the amount of hair on your head. Could being bald make you even more of a badass? Oh, hell yeah, but that heart of yours... the fight you are not backing down from? BAD! ASS! Sending you distant hugs, love, and light, Heather! 😘


Tamara Alesi
Tamara Alesi
Nov 18, 2020

Bald will be beautiful and absolutely bad ass! You’ve got this my friend!!! Who knows, maybe we’ll never want to grow it back. “the Heather” is the new look! LLove you!!!

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